Novena for Those Affected by the LA Wildfires
The Los Angeles Wildfires have displaced over 150,000 people, including the Norton + Tierney Family. While Kendra’s historic 1920 home and its chapel appear to have survived the fire's dramatic advances with only exterior damage, families in their beloved Catholic community have lost everything. Even families whose homes have not been destroyed completely still face the challenges and expenses of not being able to access their homes and belongings and the eventual hardships involved in cleanup, repairs, and rebuilding. This will be a process of months and years.
We have heard you, and we know that the Catholic All Year community wants to help!
Our team was grateful to be joined by the kind people at PrayMoreNovenas and Novena Cards to create this beautiful novena, to be prayed from January 24 to February 2, the feast of Candlemas, for those affected by this crisis.

the perfect patroness
We chose Our Lady of Champion, also called Our Lady of Good Help to intercede for the victims of the fires. Not only do the Tierneys and Nortons have a devotion to her, but her intercession is previously credited with protecting a chapel in WI from destruction by fire.
She provides help to those in need.
You'll find the novena prayers here, starting on January 24 and ending on February 2, the feast of Candlemas.