Roman Egg Drop Soup - March 7 - Ss. Perpetua & Felicity

March 2024Recipes

A perfect meal for the feast of Saints Perpetua and Felicity—especially since it usually falls during Lent—is Stracciatella alla Romana: Roman egg drop soup. It’s quick and easy and has only a few ingredients. It’s Roman, as were they. The eggs highlight the motherhood of these martyrs. Stracciare means “to rip to shreds” in Italian. In this soup, it refers to the process of whisking in the eggs, and . . . I’m just going to stop there and not make any wild
beast parallels. Homemade chicken stock is lovely in this recipe, but I’ve also used chicken stock paste with success. It’s also a great choice for Lenten Friday Soup & Stations. 

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Roman Egg Drop Soup - March 7 - Ss. Perpetua & Felicity

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